Set license location via environment variable BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE

Set license location via environment variable BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE

Set license location via environment variable BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE

This article explains how to set up a license location via an environment variable (BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE).

Machine-bound license

  1. Copy the license file to a directory of your choice.
  2. Next, you must set the environment variable BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE to point to the directory of the license, e.g.
    1. BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE=/opt/biosolveit/license
    2. BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE=D:\BioSolveIT\license

    The setting itself depends on the operating system the software will run on.


    Type “Environment Variables” (in the language of your windows) into the windows search field and follow instructions.  Multiple directories can be separated by a semicolon.

    • bash
      export BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE=...
    • csh, tcsh
      setenv BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE ...

    Replace “...” with the appropriate location, see examples above.  Multiple directories can be separated by a colon.

Server license (floating license)

  1. Set up a license server.
  2. Next, you must set the environment variable BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE to point to the server name prepended by “@”, e.g.
    1. BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE=@my_server
    2. BIOSOLVE_LICENSE_FILE=12345@my_server
      In this example, a special port number for the license server is specified — this is not needed in most cases.

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