How to report a license problem

How to report a license problem
Got a license problem? This article will explain how you can contact us for support.
  • SeeSAR / infiniSee

    If SeeSAR / infiniSee doesn’t find any license, please execute the following steps in order to resolve the problem or at least to find the reason for this problem:

    1. Start the program (SeeSAR / infiniSee) on the client computer.
    2. The program will come up with a welcome screen and a description, how to provide a license key. Follow these steps, either by drag-and-drop or by loading a license file.
    3. Now, if an error occurred, please click on Show details. A technical error message will appear – please click on Copy to clipboard.


  • Commandline tools

    If the commandline tool (FlexX, FTrees, etc) reports a license problem:

    1. Start the program with the commandline option –license-info, e.g. ftrees --license-info
    2. Copy the complete output to the clipboard


  1. Open a text editor and paste the clipboard contents with Ctrl-V. Save this as a text file.
  2. If you are using server licenses, please copy any available logs, especially BIOSOLVE.loglmgrd.log and/or lmadmin.log.

and send everything to We’ll be happy to help.

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